Per Instructionem

Dress of Roman Catholic Clergy describes the forms of dress of the secular clergy of the Roman Catholic Church according to current ecclesiastical law and custom. This page includes the full Latin text of the Circular Letter of the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy Per Instructionem, on the reform of choir dress, with the English translation of the present writer.

The text is published in Acta Apostolicae Sedis 63 (1971) 314-15 and Notitiae 8 (1972) 36-37.



De reformatione vestium choralium



On the Reform of Choir Dress

Per Instructionem « Ut sive sollicite », a Cardinali a publicis Ecclesiae negotiis die 31 mensis Martii anno 1969, Summi Pontificis iussu, emissam, huic Sacrae Congregationi pro clericis mandatum est,[1] ut aptas ederet praescriptiones, quae tamen ad eiusdem Instructionis rationes accommodarentur, quod attinet ad canonicorum, beneficiariorum et parochorum vestes chorales ac titulos.
Through the Instruction Ut sive sollicite released by the Cardinal Secretary of State on 31 March 1969, by order of the Supreme Pontiff, it was entrusted to this Sacred Congregation for Clergy to lay out suitable prescriptions,[1] that are in keeping with the reasons for the same Instruction, on what pertains to the choir dress and titles of Canons, Beneficiaries, and Pastors.
Quapropter haec Sacra Congregatio, auditis Conferentiis Episcoporum ritus Latini, quarum interest, earumque votis comparatis atque Secretariae Papalis considerationi propositis, iisdem Conferentiis Episcoporum per praesentes Litteras Circulares committit, ut vestes chorales ad simpliciorem formam redigant, prae oculis habentes rationes generales, quae sequuntur:
Wherefore, having heard the Conferences of Bishops of the Latin Rite, of which it concerns, and having compared their wishes and submitted their decisions to the consideration of the Papal Secretary of State, this Sacred Congregation entrusts to the same Conferences of Bishops through the present Circular Letter the task of reducing choir dress to a simpler form, having before their eyes the general rules, which follow:
1) Omnia privilegia, etiam centenaria et ab immemorabili, praesentibus Litteris abolentur iuxta statuta, quae in Litteris Apostolicis « Pontificalia insignia » die 21 mensis Iunii anno 1968,[2] motu proprio datis et in Instructione « Ut sive sollicite » die 31 mensis Martii anno 1969[3] edita, continentur.
1) All privileges, even centenary and immemorial, are abolished by the present Letter according to the statutes contained in the Apostolic Letter Pontificalia insignia given motu proprio on 21 June 1968[2] and the Instruction Ut sive sollicite promulgated on 31 March 1969.[3]
2) Usus mozetae violacei coloris tantum canonicis charactere episcopali praeditis permittitur. Ceteri canonici utantur mozeta nigra vel cineracea cum torulo violaceo; beneficiarii deferant mozetam nigram vel cineraceam, parochi autem solum stolam adhibeant.
2) The use of a purple mozzetta is permitted only to Canons endowed with the episcopal character. Other Canons use a black or gray mozzetta with purple trimming; Beneficiaries may wear a black or gray mozzetta, and Pastors may use only the stole.
3) Interdicantur praeterea canonicis, beneficiariis et parochis omnia insignia, quae adhuc vigent in aliquibus locis, scilicet: mantelletum, zona cum flocculis, tibialia rubra, calcei cum fibulis, pallium talare violacei coloris, rochetum, mitra, baculum, anulus, crux pectoralis.
3) Furthermore, to Canons, Beneficiaries, and Pastors are forbidden all insignia that until now are in use in some places, namely: the mantelletta, sash with tassels, red stockings, shoes with buckles, purple ferraiolone, rochet, miter, staff, ring, and pectoral cross.
4) Quae in praedictis documentis Apostolicae Sedis de Cardinalibus atque Episcopis dicta sunt, vim habent, congrua congruis referendo, etiam ad ceteros coetus ecclesiasticorum virorum.
4) Those things said in the aforementioned documents of the Apostolic See concerning Cardinals and Bishops apply also, in due proportion, to the other categories of ecclesiastics.
Singulis Conferentiis Episcoporum facultas committitur agendi, ut, servatis servandis, gradatim ea ad usum deducant, quae in memoratis documentis Apostolicae Sedis et praesentibus Litteris statuuntur.
To each Conference of Bishops is given the faculty to put into effect gradually, retaining what needs to be retained, what is contained in the aforementioned documents of the Apostolic See and in the present Letter.
Datum Romae, die 30 mensis Octobris anno 1970.

IOANNES Card. WRIGHT, Praefectus

+ Petrus Palazzini, a Secretis

Given at Rome on 30 October 1970.

JOHN Cardinal WRIGHT, Prefect

+ Pietro Palazzini, Secretary


[1] N. 35.


[1] No. 35.

[2] A. A. S. 60 (1968), pp. 374-377. [2] AAS 60 (1968) 374-77.
[3] A. A. S. 61 (1969), pp. 334-340. [3] AAS 61 (1969) 334-40.

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